Cisco ASA: сброс пароля


Для сброса пароля в момент появления в консоли при загрузке сообщения:

Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.
Use SPACE to begin boot immediately.
Boot interrupted.

Нажимаем Esc.

Далее появится приглашение вида:

rommon #0>

Переводим ASA в режим отмена авторизации и загружаемся:

rommon #1> confreg 0x41
rommon #2> boot

Далее уже загрузившись выполняем:

ciscoasa# conf t

***************************** NOTICE *****************************

Help to improve the ASA platform by enabling anonymous reporting,
which allows Cisco to securely receive minimal error and health
information from the device. To learn more about this feature,
please visit:

Would you like to enable anonymous error reporting to help improve
the product? [Y]es, [N]o, [A]sk later: no

In the future, if you would like to enable this feature,
issue the command "call-home reporting anonymous".

Please remember to save your configuration.

ciscoasa(config)# config-register 0x1
ciscoasa(config)# exit
ciscoasa# write
ciscoasa# write erase
Erase configuration in flash memory? [confirm] 
ciscoasa# reload
System config has been modified. Save? [Y]es/[N]o:  
Cryptochecksum: 7646e913 3a37d1a7 8445c9a8 4dfc0e1d 

2069 bytes copied in 1.120 secs (2069 bytes/sec)
Proceed with reload? [confirm] Y

На выходе после перезагрузки получаем девственно чистую железку.

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